Saturday, February 13, 2010

Where are we gonna get enough...

Where are we gonna get enough for all these people? What is your gift to people? Is it your smile? Your hugs? your kind words? Your encouragement? Do you have great ideas? Do you give great advice? Maybe you're the one who makes people laugh no matter what, is that it? Whatever it is, have you ever had the feeling like it just wasn't enough? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a situation? I know I have. I know the apostles have. Where are we gonna get enough for all these people? Good question. But first Jesus wants to know, what do you have? Well, ok, I have...

"Bring it here. Give it to me," He says, "all of it." Then he does something ridiculously awesome. He takes it, he blesses it, he breaks it (have you heard this somewhere before?), and then he gives it back to us to give to those we love. Is it enough? With Jesus that's a ridiculous question. With Jesus there's even plenty left over to fill a couple of baskets for tomorrow! Why not give all you have to give to Jesus? Why not let him multiply all you have and are so that there's plenty enough to go around and even some left over for you to enjoy later? Why not do it now, so you can give even more today... and be ever more filled with His JOY?...

God bless,
Live from your heart,


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